  • 字級大小

【狂賀】 四技部共英學生獲得東南科技大學舉辦「全國英語字彙大考驗比賽」第五名!Congratulations! Winners of the National English Vocabulary Contest

CELT congrats the students winning the fifth place of National English Vocabulary Contest hosted by Tungnan University. More than 50 groups of students (approximately 200 participants) attended the contest. Twenty groups were selected after the first round to compete in the final. 


參與此次競賽的學生 英文系一年級黃敏綺同學,西文系一年級黃土佳同學,國際事務系一年級陳芝米同學及Nony Susanty同學,於52組參賽組、共計200多名競爭對手中脫穎而出,並獲得第五名佳績。

英語教學中心全體同仁 恭賀!

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