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【日四技共同英文課程】104(1)日四技共同英語課程 第2次分班測驗補測通知

一、  補測時間:1049月14(星期一)上午9:00

 二、  補測教室:求真樓2樓( Q207教室)

 三、  參加人員: 

1. 轉學、轉系生報到時未繳交英檢證明者。  

2. 日四技一年級新生英語初戀營請假,且未能提供其他英檢成績者(:兩年內多益、托福或雅思)  


1. 學生請攜帶學生證或身分證備查。  

2. 學生須按時到達試場,遲到即不准入場。 

3. 除應試所需之文具(2B鉛筆、橡皮擦)外,不得攜帶通訊設備(呼叫器、   行動電話等)或其他非應   試用品就座。  


六、  分班結果最遲將於開學前一日公告(請自行至校務資訊系統/學生個人課表確認)。 

七、  課程教材請學生於上課日前,自行至本校敦煌書局購買。


Level-placement Makeup Test Announcement for Regular 4-year College General English Program of Fall, 2015 (Important!)  

1. Time: 9:00 AM, September 14th (Monday), 2015 

2. Classroom: 2nd floor of Qiuzhen Hall (Classroom Q207)  

3. Test Takers:    

a. Transfer students of regular 4-year College who fail to submit a record of any specified English proficiency tests upon registration.  

b. Freshmen of regular 4-year College who are absent from Falling in Love with English Camps and cannot provide result reports of specified English proficiency tests, such as TOEIC, TOEFL or IELTS dated within two years.  

4. Note:  

a. Test takers must bring student ID cards or personal ID cards.  

b. Test takers must arrive on time. Any late arrivals will not be considered.  

c. Test takers must bring 2b pencils and erasers. No electronic devices (such as pagers, cell phones) and other personal belongings will be allowed in the testing room.  

    5. This makeup test is vital to general English program level-placement for regular 4-year College. Test takers must arrive on time for the test. Students who are unable to take this level-placement makeup test will have to accept the class arrangement based on regulations of the CELT without any objections.  

6. Level-placement results can be checked through Information Service.  

7. Students should buy textbooks by themselves at Caves bookstore before the class starts.