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Introduction to General English

Dear Wenzorians,


On behalf of Center for English Language Teaching (CELT), we would like to take the chance to introduce the center to you. CELT is the center in charge of General English for students program of four-year in the day division and night division. For the day division, General English is a required courses of 24 credits open for fresh persons, sophomores and juniors at Wenzao except those who can waive the course with their CSEPT higher than 345 [1]. After the placement test in August, students are divided into levels and then receive a systematical and multi-cultural English education. General English aims at:

1. solidifying students basic English skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) to apply what they have learned on their expertise;

2. helping students understand multicultural backgrounds to expand their global vision;

3. activating students acquisition to improve their communicative ability in English;

4. promoting students learning motivation to help them to pass the graduation benchmark.


We sincerely wish you enjoy the courses and learn a lot in General English course. To help you learn more about General English, an FAQ section can be retrieved as follows. However, if you still have other questions, please feel free to contact us.


Sincerely yours,


Center for English Language Teaching


[1] Please check Appendix I for the comparison among different kinds of test.





Why are there levels of courses in General English?



Y1 students are usually divided into a variety of levels in English classes after the placement test. Freshmen placement is made on the basis of CEFR levels. At different levels, different teaching materials and methods are employed to adapt to learners’ English ability. For example, in some basic levels (e.g., L1, L2, L3 etc.), role playing is frequently used to offer students chances to practice oral English. From ESP/EMI modules, students are exposed to profession-oriented courses and projects, allowing students to have more chances to apply their English in different fields. We believe you will feel more comfortable and less stressful under such an adaptive instruction.

大一新生(或轉學生)開學前進行分班測驗,根據測驗結果依CEFR分級制度編入不同級別。不同的級數會有不同的教材和教學方式。例如,L1, L2, 及L3 常會以角色扮演的方式讓學生有機會練習英文口說。而專業導向模組則提供不同領域學習及專案活動,配合學生程度,適性教學,並降低學習壓力。



I am not satisfied with the level I am at right now; how can I be upgraded to a higher level?



1. Students will be upgraded one level higher in the next school year if the SCEPT score passes the current level. However, if you want to be upgraded more than one level, you need to meet two requirements as follows. Firstly, present a certificate of an officially-approved language test to prove your English proficiency. Secondly, your performance in your English course in the previous semester should be ranked at top 50%. According to the center regulations, students can be upgraded to three levels at the most.

2. If you are a fresh person, in the first week, you can tell your General English teacher and the teacher can give his/her suggestion to renew your level.

1.每一學年,學生會依CSEPT成績達到升級標準調升一個級數,如需調升更高,必須符合下列2項條件: 1) 憑官方認證之英檢成績證明申請跳級; 2) 前一學期共同英文成績必須是班上百分之五十。根據中心規定: 跳級至多只能跳三級。





I do not know why I am in such a level. It is too difficult for me. Please put me in a lower level.



We divide students into different levels based on their placement test. We believe sometimes students may not do the test well due to many reasons but rarely can a student do the test unreasonably well. Therefore, based on the center regulation, students can only ask to shift to a higher level but not to a lower level. If you still feel troubled catching up with other students in the level, we recommend you make use of self-learning materials offered by school.




If I want to improve my English, can you suggest sources that I can reach?



In addition to school library materials (such as books and video resources), we highly recommend you go to LDCC (Language Diagnostic and Consulting Center) on the third floor of Lourdes Hall. In this center, you can consult teachers about your learning problems and they will offer you learning suggestions and many other useful resources. At LDCC, you can make use of the following materials:

  1. self-learning software, (b) supplementary materials, (c) mini-club, (d) prescription courses, (e) speaking practice, (f) learning diagnosis, (g) learning consultancy, and (h) learning lectures. In fact, you can earn bonus points by attending or using all these materials.

Additionally, the center will invite students who make progress in CSEPT as speakers to share their learning strategies. It is also helpful for you to better your English.






I am interested in attending contests. Is there any information about English contests?



Yes. CELT would post related information occasionally. Besides, in every semester, at least one contest will be held by the center and you are welcome to take part in the contest. Please check our homepage regularly.




When can I apply for course retaking, make-up course, credit transferring, credit waiving and level upgrading/skipping?



The due time is the end of the first week of each semester.




If I need to ask for a leave during mid/final term examination, what should I do?



Since General English is a general subject taken by Year 1 to Year 3 students, please do understand that leaves are not easily approved. Please try not to ask for a leave during the midterm/final term examinations except emergency cases such as COVID or influenza, accidents and emergency, or hospitalization  or on official leave approved in advance.




What is a substitute course? Can I take it to waive my General English credits?



A substitute course is open only for the senior to pass the graduation benchmark. In fact, it is not a regular course; therefore, you cannot waive your General English credits by attending such a course.

替代課程是為協助大四學生通過畢業門檻所設的課程。它不列為正規科目, 所以無法用來抵免共同英文課程。




I am not a major in English. Why should I spend so much time taking General English?



English has become a tool commonly used among people of all walks of life. It is a global language and learning English is definitely helpful for you to communicate with people around the world. Besides, English can be a plus benefit in your future work. For example, if you are a major in Communication Arts, English can help you to reach more global information about communication arts. Even if you take Chinese as your major, English would be beneficial for you to find a job of teaching Chinese internationally. Thus, learning English well would help better your future.




I do not need to take General English; however, I still need to take courses to earn 24 credits. Is there any suggestion for me?

我不需要修共同英文,但仍需要修滿 24 學分,中心是否能給予建議呢?


First of all, congratulations. If you do not need to take General English, this means you must have a good command of English. Next, for the 24 credits you need to take, the center offers several elective courses such as Academic Writing, English Proficiency Test Skills and so on. You are welcome to take any of them. Besides, you can also take courses in other departments. This means courses that are not English-based can be approved by the department you belong to. Another possibility to waive the 24 credits is to take the ESP/EAP//EMI modules recognized by the institution.

