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International Degree Students:

Dear All,

Before a new semester begins, the Center for English Language Teaching (CELT) will administer an English placement test for all the freshmen who need to take General English courses as required for a Bachelor’s degree. Freshman students have the option of providing a certificate of a recognized English proficiency test as an alternative to taking the placement test.


Option 1: Providing a certificate of a recognized English proficiency test

For international degree students, the certificate of a recognized English proficiency test in question should be one that was acquired within three years of the enrollment (The date of the proficiency test has to be after Feb. 1st, 2022).

Please fill in the Google form (https://forms.gle/mPp5cgugwuGiXVps6) and upload an electronic copy of the certificate as an attachment. The name of the file should be written according to the following format:English Certificate_(name)_International degree student.

Certificates of recognized English proficiency tests as referred to in this section are limited to the following: TOEFL CBT, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL iBT, GEPT, TOIEC, IELTS, BULATS, Linguaskill Business or Linguaskill General, and Cambridge Main Suite.


Option 2: Taking an online placement test

(1). Students should complete the online placement test before 23:59, Feb.05, 2025 prior to the beginning of the new semester. Before taking the placement test, please refer to the “Instructions of Online CSEPT on WZU Cloud E-learning (2024) http://c043.wzu.edu.tw/datas/upload/files/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E7%89%88/images.png or to the following link: https://youtu.be/E8vzT6I2OpM

before signing into the Cloud E-Learning. (http://elearning2.wzu.edu.tw/index.php)



Important Notes:

  1. The result of placement will be announced before  Feb. 17, 2025. Please check your personal timetable on the Wenzao Information Service (https://sso.wzu.edu.tw/Portal/login.htm) website.
  2. Course materials and textbooks (http://c043.wzu.edu.tw/category/144156) should be purchased at the bookstore in Wenzao before the course begins.
  3. The test result is not regarded as Wenzao Language Proficiency Benchmark as required for graduation and is only used for the purpose of placement for General English Courses. Therefore, the transcript will not be available.


Latest update: Dec.18, 2024






大一新生可提出三年內英檢證明(測驗日期為111.02.01)做為分班依據者:請填妥google表單(https://forms.gle/mPp5cgugwuGiXVps6)並上傳英檢證明為附件,檔案名稱請註明: 「提出三年內英檢證明做為分班依據_ 姓名000_日四技大一新生」。


英檢證明包括:托福測驗電腦 TOEFL CBT、托福測驗紙筆 TOEFL ITP、托福測驗網路TOEFL iBT、全民英檢 GEPT、多益測驗 TOEIC、雅思測驗 IELTS、劍橋大學國際商務英語能力測驗 BULATS、劍橋領思職場或實用英語測驗 Linguaskill Business/Linguaskill General及劍橋大學英語能力認證分級測驗 Cambridge Main Suite.


2.參加線上分班測驗: (名稱: 113學年度日四技共同英文課程分班測驗 113 English Placement Test)

114.02.05, 23:59完成線上測驗:請先看完在家測驗說明,再進入此網址(請點選網址:http://elearning2.wzu.edu.tw/index.php

線上測驗操作說明https://youtu.be/E8vzT6I2OpM http://c043.wzu.edu.tw/datas/upload/files/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E7%89%88/images.png



1. 分班結果最遲將於2月17日公告(請自行至校務資訊系統學生個人課表確認)

2. 課程教材(http://c043.wzu.edu.tw/category/144156)



