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【教師活動】How English tests can be used to enhance students' English ability

To share the
experiences of using English proficiency tests to enhance students' English
ability, we are pleased to announce that both The Language Training & Testing
Center (LTTC) and Wenzao are hosting a Seminar in Wenzao, Kaohsiung. We
sincerely invite all English language teachers from the southern colleges to
attend our seminar. It would be a great honor if you can join us!

The Language Training & Testing Center (LTTC)

Wenzao Ursuline
University of Languages

Participants Representatives of southern colleges

Research and teaching resources of CSEPT and its achievements (Address
by LTTC)


      Experiences of implementing CSEPT on English “Teaching” and “Learning”
in order to enhance students" English proficiency. (Address by Wu, Chiu-Hui,
Director of CELT, Wenzao)



Date 2015. 11. 05. (Thur.)
Time 1:30 PM– 3:30 PM (Registration is open at 1:00 PM.)

Administration Building (A313), 900 Mintsu 1st Road Kaohsiung, Wenzao
Ursuline University of Languages

Transportation Information:

 Campus Map: 


Registration You are welcomed to register before 2015. 10. 21 (Wed.).
Please click the following link:
