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【教師活動】遠距社群分享 Announcement for Workshop (Faculty Community of Distance Learning)

講者: 育達科技大學 鄭秋桂講師
時間: 105年3月4日 1:10-3:00 p.m.
地點: 求真樓2樓(Q207室)
對象: 英語教學中心老師
內容: 鄭秋桂講師聽力課程獲得教育部認證,將至本中心進行分享英語聽力教材遠距設計及進行線上教學的心得。歡迎中心教師踴躍報名參加!

Speaker: Prof. Zheng, Chiu-Kui, Yu Da University of Science and Technology
Time: 105. 03.04 (Fri.) 1:00-3:00 pm
Venue: Q207, Qiuzhen Hall
Participants: All teachers of CELT
Registration site: http://ma.wzu.edu.tw/files/302-1000-2009.php
Details: The CELT is pleased to announce this workshop and have Prof. Zheng share the experiences of teaching material design and online teaching. Pro. Zheng’s online Listening course was accredited by Ministry of Education. All teachers of CELT are welcomed.