108學年度第2學期日四技共同英文升級申請 Applying to level up in 108-2 General English Program
Applying to level up in 108-2 General English Program
請同學先詳閱說明後,若符合條件且有意申請升級( Skipping Levels )之同學,請下載附件申請表,填寫後,連同相關英檢成績證明,於申請日期109年01月04日至109年02月15日(申請截止日依學校行事曆公告為準) ,至英語教學中心繳交資料
Dear students,
The rules are applicable to students who intend to apply for skipping up in 108-2academic year for the General English Program. Students should read the following five rules carefully. If applicants meet the requirements, please download the attached application form, fill out the form and attach photocopies of related test reports for verification. Please submit to the CELT before Feb.15th, 2020 .
※ 申請升級規則說明如下:The criteria for the equivalent English proficiency test result are as follows:
一、僅開放同學申請晉升至高組別班級。Students will only be allowed to skip up. Downward skipping is not allowed.
- 同學如欲申請轉至英文二( Level 2)者,申請者之英檢成績需達大學校院英語能力測驗第二級120分。Students wishing to skip to Level 2 must score an equivalence of 120 on the CSEPT English proficiency test.
- 同學如欲申請轉至英文三( Level 3)者,申請者之英檢成績需達大學校院英語能力測驗第二級145分。Students wishing to skip to Level 3 must score an equivalence of 145 on the CSEPT English proficiency test.
- 同學如欲申請轉至英文四( Level 4)者,申請者之英檢成績需達大學校院英語能力測驗第二級170分。Students wishing to skip to Level 4 must score an equivalence of 170 on the CSEPT English proficiency test.
- 同學如欲申請轉至英文五( Level 5)者,申請者之英檢成績需達大學校院英語能力測驗第二級201分。Students wishing to skip to Level 5 must score an equivalence of 201 on the CSEPT English proficiency test.
- 同學如欲申請轉至英文六( Level 6)者,申請者之英檢成績需達大學校院英語能力測驗第二級220分。Students wishing to skip to Level 6 must score an equivalence of 220 on the CSEPT English proficiency test.
- 同學如欲申請轉至英文七( Level 7)者,申請者之英檢成績需達大學校院英語能力測驗第二級240分。Students wishing to skip to Level 7 must score an equivalence of 240 on the CSEPT English proficiency test.
- 同學如欲申請轉至英文八( Level 8)者,申請者之英檢成績需達大學校院英語能力測驗第二級260分。Students wishing to skip to Level 8 must score an equivalence of 260 on the CSEPT English proficiency test.
- 同學如欲申請轉至英文九( Level 9)者,申請者之英檢成績需達大學校院英語能力測驗第二級286分。Students wishing to skip to Level 9 must score an equivalence of 286 and above on the CSEPT English proficiency test.
- 申請者請填妥申請表,並請提出相關英檢成績證明影本。 Please fill up the application form and attach the photocopy of English proficiency test result.
三、 承辦單位第一階段審核將視該申請同學之有效英檢成績,符合資格者將可進入第二階段審核。第二階段審核將視同學於現任班級之當學期成績排名(班級排名前50%,至多可跳三級),於綜合評估後,再決定是否通過學生之跳級申請。The applicants’ effective English proficiency test will be verified in the first stage. Those who qualify will then enter the second stage of verification. In the second stage, the criteria will be based on students’ class ranking from the current semester (students in the top 50% can skip a maximum of 3 levels). Decisions on whether the level-skipping application is approved or not will be made after the comprehensive assessment.
四、最後名單以承辦單位之公告為主,請同學務必於開學前上網查詢課表。The finalized list will be made in an official announcement by CEPT. Please be sure to check the class schedule online before the start of the semester.
五、【提醒】一旦成功跳級之同學,須另購買新班級所使用之教材。 (Reminder) Once your level-skipping application is approved, you will need to buy new class materials.
六、 依105學年度第2學期第6次中心課程會議決議(日期:106.06.08)辦理。These regulations will be implemented according to the 6th Curriculum meeting (Date: June 8th, 2017) held in the spring semester in 2017.