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2021文藻英語教學中心英語聖誕歌曲歌唱比賽 Rules for 2021 Wenzao CELT English Christmas Carol Singing Contest


Rules for 2021 Wenzao CELT English Christmas Carol Singing Contest




2021 Wenzao CELT English Christmas Carol Singing Contest


本活動以聖誕歌曲為主題延伸學生對西方文化之體認,並傳揚本校敬天愛人精神,亦藉由英語歌唱大賽寓教於樂,激發學生英語學習興趣,且訓練學生英語發音、語調、台風、表情達意,藉此提升英語學習成效。This contest aims at helping students experience Western culture through Christmas carol singing while spreading the Wenzao spirit of “revere the divine and love the human." The contest can also enable students to learn for fun and become interested in English learning. It can also improve students’ pronunciation, intonation, stage performance and emotional expression. Students can learn English more effectively through this activity.



Center for English Language Teaching

四.參加對象Prospective participants:





*本項比賽可個人或團體組隊(團體組以2-6人為限)報名。團體組可跨系、跨年級參賽。每人限參加 1 組,不可同時以個人與團體名義參賽。校內參加總隊伍數上限為25組。

1. 4-year college students at WZU

2. ROC residents, non-English native speakers, with official student status

3. Those who haven’t lived in any English-speaking countries for longer than six months after the age of six

4. Those who haven’t attended any schools (bilingual schools, including any overseas study programs or exchange student programs) or in any English-speaking countries for longer than six months after the age of six

*Participants can join as an individual or a group of 2-6 people. Members of the same group can be from different departments and in different school years. Participants can only join one group, or as an individual. The maximum number of participating groups is 25.

五.比賽型式Contest form:

Recording live singing as a video

六.重要時程Important Dates

1.報名日期:即日起至110年10月31日(週日) 23:59止,請將參賽資料輸入Google表單https://forms.gle/ngmTGA5WZX8UrEoB8


Registration date: Registration is made upon receiving application via Google Form https://forms.gle/ngmTGA5WZX8UrEoB8 together with a valid agreement of copyright authorization from now until October 31, 2021. Registration may end prior to the date specified if the numbers of contestants are reached.
*No acceptance after the deadline

2.公佈參賽名單日期:110年 11月3 日(週三 )下午5:00前。

Date for List of Participants: by 5 p.m. Nov. 3, 2021

3.寄送影片檔日期及時間:請自行錄製影片於110年11月14日(週日)下午五點前寄送有效連結至英語教學中心信箱 wenzaoetlc@gmail.com (逾期恕不收件)。

Deadline for Video Submission: Please record the video and email the link to CELT at wenzaoetlc@gmail.com by 5:00 p.m. Nov. 14, 2021.

       *No acceptance after the deadline


    Results & Awards: Announcement will be made on November 24, 2021



All contestants shall submit the registration Google form, along with the agreement of copyright authorization (Attachment 1) and the name of the song and lyrics in word file by Oct. 31, 2021. The registration will be considered invalid if the contestants fail to submit all relevant files.

八.比賽規則 Rules


Contestants are only allowed to choose Christmas carol in English (length of song: 3-5 mins.)

2.參賽者可清唱、或自備樂器伴奏,或使用伴唱音樂。伴唱音樂 若有主唱者歌聲,不予計分;有配唱歌聲,由評審酌予扣分。

Contestants can sing in a cappella, with instrument(s) or music accompaniments. The accompanying music shall not include any vocal, or the score will be nullified; likewise, if the music has accompanying vocal sound, some points will be deducted.


The video must be recorded live and noise-free. Lyrics are not allowed to be viewed while performing. Violators will be disqualified from the contest, and the score will not be counted.

4.演唱時間未達三分鐘或超過五分鐘,每 30 秒扣總分1 分。

If the performance is less than 3 minutes or more than 5 minutes, 1 point will be deducted of the total score for every 30 seconds.


All contestants shall honestly fill in the registration form and are not allowed to be replaced by others in the contest. Violators will be disqualified from the contest. If the winner is accused of and proven of cheating, the award will be withdrawn.


Amendments to rules will be made in time if necessary.

九.評分方式 Evaluation criteria:


The organizer will invite judges specialized in music and English teaching to score the performances. Based on the results, the prizes will be given to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, and two honorable mentions. If two entries have the same scores, priority goes to the one with higher articulation and pronunciation score.

評分項目 Evaluation Criteria



Articulation, pronunciation



Timbre, singing techniques, flow of singing fluency, song annotation



Stage performance (stage presence, stage charisma / charm, costume)




Based on the score ranking, the top six finalists are awarded. Winners will all receive the prize awards and certificates. The judges are entitled to reserve the awards and prizes if required.


First Prize: NT$ 1,600 and a certificate


Second Prize: NT$ 1,200 and a certificate


Third Prize: NT$700 and a certificate


Three honorable mentions: NT$500 each and a certificate
