【筆試】Written Test
【筆試】Written Test |
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受理請假單位:英語教學中心 Processing unit for leave application: CELT |
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事假一律不准,缺席者成績以零分計算。 Personal or business leave will not be accepted. Scores of the absentees will be registered as zero. |
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已核准公假者,或因新冠肺炎、流感確診、意外事故緊急就醫或因病住院無法參加考試者,可申請補考。具特殊事由的學生申請補考,是否准予補考由中心認定之。筆試補考一律以八折計分。 Students, who are unable to take the tests due to previously approved official leave, or clinical confirmation of Covid or influenza, or accidents and emergency, or hospitalization, may apply for a makeup test. Whether makeup tests should be given to absentees with special causes shall be determined by CELT. Scores of the makeup written tests after a 20% deduction will be registered. |
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依上述第三點申請請假者,申請人最晚需於測驗開始後20分鐘內,打電話或以電子郵件向承辦單位英語教學中心(3426031分機5904) 申請請假,並於測驗隔日中午12:00前,填妥「期中(末)考試請假單」連同附件「診斷證明」或相關機構開立之證明寄至英語教學中心電子信箱(english.teaching.center@mail.wzu.edu.tw ),以完成申請手續,無附件者,不予審核。 To apply for leave as cases mentioned Regulation 3, applicants should inform CELT by phone call (3426031 ext. 5904) or by email no later than 20 minutes after the test begins. Also applicants should fill out the “Midterm/Final Exam Leave Application Form” and email it with attachments of medical (diagnosis) or related certificates made by established institutions to CELT (english.teaching.center@mail.wzu.edu.tw ) by 12 0’clock noon the day after the written test in order to complete the application procedures. Applications without valid attachments will not be processed. |
重要說明:英語教學中心僅受理當次測驗前後一日開立之「診斷證明」。 Remarks: CELT will only accept medical (diagnosis) certificates made one day before or after the test date. |
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筆試考試除了20分鐘後不得入場,30分鐘內不得出場之規定外,若考試途中學生身體有突發狀況,請逕向監考老師反映,由老師依情況做適當處置,惟考試時間不予延長。 Students are not allowed to enter the test venue 20 minutes after the test begins or to leave the test venue 30 minutes after the test begins. However, during the test, if a student is suddenly taken ill, he or she should inform the proctoring teacher, who will deal with the case accordingly, but the test time will not be extended. |
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英語教學中心接到申請請假電子郵件後,會於三個工作日內回覆申請人是否准予補考。如准予補考,補考事宜由任課老師逕行通知學生。 After receiving an email for leave application, CELT will reply within 3 workdays to the applicant whether a makeup test is approved. If a makeup test is approved, subsequent affairs related to the makeup test will be arranged by the course instructor, who will directly inform the student. |