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歡迎參加【2025 Wenzao LLM Treasure Hunt Game 2025文藻 LLM 寶藏探索競賽】

Competition information 比賽資訊

Competition Date & Location 比賽時間&地點:  April 23, 2025, from 15:00 to 17:00 at Wenyuan 2nd Fl. (文園二樓)

Competition Goal 比賽目標: Using their cell phones, participants will ask questions and solve riddles, using an AI chatbot to explore Wenzao’s history, culture, and key figures while searching for the most valuable treasure on campus. (參賽者將透過手機與 AI 聊天機器人詢問問題和解答謎題,以發掘文藻的歷史、文化及重要人物,並尋找文藻最珍貴的寶藏。)

Eligibility 參賽資格: Students with a CSEPT score of 210 or above or a CEFR B1 level equivalent. (本校CSEPT 分數 210分 或 CEFR B1同等水準以上的學生。)

Participant Groups 參賽組別:

➡️Group A: Taiwanese students without a second nationality. (無第二國籍的台灣學生。)

➡️Group B: Foreign students, dual-nationality students, students with over one year of overseas study experience in an English-speaking country, or students who have attended an international/bilingual school for over two years in Taiwan. (外國學生、雙重國籍學生、具 1 年以上在英語系國家留學經驗者,或在台灣曾就讀國際/雙語學校 2 年以上者。)

⏰Registration Period 報名時間: From now until April 13, 2025, at 23:59.

Registration Form 報名表格: https://forms.gle/XCtywdxR8RzVgb3QA 
