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【公告】107學年度第1學期日四技共同英語課程分班線上測驗受理報名(受理大一新生、復學生、轉學生、轉系生、國際生、交換生報名)Level-placement Makeup Test Announcement for Day 4-year College General English Program of Fall, 2018

【公告】107學年度第1學期日四技共同英語課程分班線上測驗受理報名(受理大一新生、復學生、轉學生、轉系生、國際生、交換生報名)Level-placement Makeup Test Announcement for Day 4-year College General English Program of Fall, 2018




The CELT will hold an English proficiency test for students that need to take general English program before the semester starts so as to facilitate the level placement process.

This test is crucial for the level placement. Please do make a reservation with CELT one week before the semester starts and come to CELT to complete the test to avoid being unable to attend classes.


1. 無法提出有效英檢成績證明者均需報名。(包含:復學生、轉學生、轉系生、國際生、交換生及欲修讀日四技共同英語課程之學生)

2.未參加8月14日或 8月21日校訂新生導航之大學英檢測驗之日四技新生均需報名。

Applicable objects:

1. Those who are unable to hand in valid English proficiency certificates need to register (including resuming students, transfer students, inter-department transfer students, international students, exchange students and students who want to enroll in the general English program).

2. Those who did not join the CSEPT on August 14th or August 21st are required to register.





Important Information:

1. The placement result will be announced one day before the school starts (Please go to the Information System to check your personal class schedule).

2. Please purchase the class materials at the Caves Books before the class.

3. Please bring your ID card and pens.

4. This test is not applicable to the calculation of the graduation benchmark. The score of this test is only for the level placement of general English program, and there will be no transcripts.


第一場次 2018/8/23 下午13:10-下午15:00 (行政大樓5樓A502電腦教室)

第二場次 2018/8/23 下午14:10-下午16:00 (行政大樓5樓 A501電腦教室)


Sessions (Please be sure to select one session to participate, and each session will be opened 10 minutes in advance):

First Session (2018/08/23) is from 13:10 to 15:00. (The test place is in Classroom A502 at Administration Building)

Second Session (2018/08/23) is from 14:10 to 16:00. (The test place is in Classroom A501 at Administration Building)


If you cannot attend any of the sessions mentioned above, please make an appointment with CELT before September 7th (the time for reservation: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 2 pm).



Registration website:


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