108-2轉學生、轉系生、復學生:請提供英檢證明或參加共同英語分級測驗108-2 transfer students from other department, transfer students from other institutions, readmitted student:Please provide a certificate of a recognized English proficiency test or to do make-up placement test on line.
108-2 transfer students from other department, transfer students from other institutions, readmitted student:Please provide a certificate of a recognized English proficiency test or to do make-up placement test on line.
日間部轉學生Day transfer students from other institutions :https://c043.wzu.edu.tw/category/148703
日間部轉系生Day transfer students from other department:https://c043.wzu.edu.tw/category/148702
日間部復學生Day readmitted student :https://c043.wzu.edu.tw/category/148710
進修部轉學生Night transfer students from other institutions :https://c043.wzu.edu.tw/category/148707
進修部轉系生Night transfer students from other department:https://c043.wzu.edu.tw/category/148706
進修部復學生Night readmitted student :https://c043.wzu.edu.tw/category/148708